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Things to Ponder

 I use this page to share messages of an inspirational nature, or simply something to ponder. It is my hope that you will  always be inspired.

Homily Reflections - Luke 5:1-11 - 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Introduction: “Put out into the Deep.”

This Sunday’s Gospel describes the story of the miraculous catch of fish, but only Luke includes this well-known story within the call of Simon. We can read this Gospel, therefore, as a description of the developing relationship between Jesus and Simon Peter. The focus is upon Peter and his future role as leader of the Early Church: the primary disciple among all the disciples; future Pope.

Luke opens the story by reporting that Simon had been fishing all night with no success, then working in the early morning hours – cleaning his nets. So, it must have seemed a bit of an imposition when Jesus got into Simon’s boat and asked him to put out a little way from the shore. But Simon did what Jesus asked, even though it did not make any sense.

When have I felt that my efforts were in vain?

Luke does not tell us what Jesus taught the crowds from the boat that morning, for the focus is on what follows. Jesus tells Simon “To put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” Simon obviously believes this will be a futile exercise. We can almost hear his exasperation when he responds: “Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing.” But he agrees to lower the nets. Notice here that Simon calls Jesus by the title, “master.” He already recognizes Jesus as a person of authority.

What titles/names would you use to describe Jesus?

We know what happens next – nets so full of fish that they begin to break, boats so full of fish that they begin to sink! Seeing what is happening, Simon is overwhelmed with fear and wonder- sensing that he is in the presence of divine power. He responds by falling down at Jesus’ knees and begging him, “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.”

When have you been caught by surprise by God?

Have you ever been overwhelmed by fear/wonder?

In the climax of this story, Jesus responds to Peter, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” The Greek word for “catching” used here is rare in the New Testament and means “to catch alive.” Here Jesus calls Peter and his partners (James and John) to a new vocation of catching people so that they may live; a life-giving vocation of being caught up in God’s amazing mission.

And the clincher: “When they brought their boats to the shore, they left everything and followed him.” Their encounter with Jesus had completely reoriented their lives. They would never, ever be the same. A new direction. A new fantastic journey!

Have you ever had an experience that changed you?

I would invite you to take time to read and ponder the words from the Gospel of Luke 5:1-11.

What word or words caught your attention?
What in this passage comforted you?
What in this passage challenged you?

Further Questions and Reflections:

Jesus calls Simon and his partners as they are. Simon is acutely aware of his unworthiness, but Jesus is not put off by this in the slightest. Jesus does not ask Simon “to get his act together.” Rather, he encounters and calls Simon as he is.

Do I feel I need “to shape up” before responding to Jesus’ call and his mission? Why is that?


How often do we resist Jesus’ claim on our lives because what he is calling us to do seems so crazy, too impractical?

What might it mean for us to “put out into deep water”- to trust and follow him outside our comfort zones, to let go of our certainties, to have our lives radically reoriented?

Most of us will not need to leave our current professions behind. But all are called by baptism to reorient our priorities to align with God’s priorities.

Deacon David

Deacon David Suley
St. Patrick Catholic Church
Rockville, Maryland

Posted with permission