Felicita Robinson, known as “Terry,” grew up in Kingston, Jamaica, and moved to the United States with her family in 1984. She resides in Maryland with her husband, and they are the proud parents of two grown children and a wonderful granddaughter who is a budding writer.
She is an award-winning author and admits that she writes as a hobby, which often takes her into different genres. When she is not writing, Felicita spends most of her time reading, listening to her favorite music or being active in her church as a cantor and lector. She loves watching the Super Bowl and, as an admitted fan of the Washington Commanders, she feeds her addiction to the team by never missing a game whenever they are playing during the football season.
Seven Letters to Heaven – A True Story of Faith and Answered Prayers, was her first non-fiction, and was selected a finalist in the USA “Best Books 2011” Awards and the 2012 International Book Awards, both in the Spirituality – Inspirational Category. Based on her last four months in Jamaica prior to migrating to the United States, she shares her personal and extraordinary journey of trials, faith, hope and answered prayers. The book serves as a guide and an easy-to-read spiritual companion.
Having completed a graduate course at the Institute of Children’s Literature in the USA, one of her short stories, A Most Unforgettable Experience, was the Winner of the June 2021 Summer Contest by the Academy of the Heart and Mind. This story highlights the first summer vacation in rural St. Thomas, Jamaica, by a little girl from Kingston.
Felicita is the author of The Dark Side of War, a poem published by the National Library of Poetry in their Surrounded by Dreams Edition. A poem she says, “came out of nowhere” about fear and death on the battlefield.
Her most recent publication, Pierre’s Choice – A Captivating Novel of Love and Betrayal, features the sequence of events of the protagonist as he juggles his love relationship with two women. Carmen Barclay Subryan Ph.D., author of Connecting With My African Roots, said this in her endorsement: "This cautionary tale of love, loss, betrayal, and eventual tragedy is compelling in its ability to engage as well as evoke serious emotions. The interior monologue exposes the tortured depths of the protagonist's soul, reminding readers of the importance not only of considering our relationships with others as we traverse this earth but also the necessity of being considerate of others' emotional well-being. The unexpected ending will no doubt amaze as well as confound. Needless to say, this novel will generate much discussion."
Felicita has been interviewed by J. Douglas Barker - TOGInet Radio Network - Bookstore and Publishing House Interviewer with over 1800 Authors worldwide, and John Blake, Host of The Caribbean Experience – WHUR FM - Bridging cultures and generations through music, news, interviews, and special features. Both of her books are available on Amazon at Books by Felicita “Terry” Robinson or through here, her website. She enjoys discussing her books with book clubs and reader groups and welcomes an invitation to your event. Email her at ftrsevenletters@gmail.com or call 301-456-4646, to schedule an event.